Wednesday, March 7, 2007

More ain't even necessarily better.

Note: I promised this would be about the harvest, but we ain't ready for that yet.

If a worm will thrive on paper...or cardboard...or horse manure...or [i]any[/i] organic materials, shouldn't we suppose that that worm will do better on even more organic materials....especially those we prefer or think they'll prefer?


We produce pretty elaborate menus for them, and fret about their diets, and the truth is they do just fine...with, or without us overdoing it all.

We tend to overdo most everything regarding composting worms that we've imprisoned in bins we perceived to be worm worthy, and although I firmly believe they adapt very well, we might ought not expect them to adapt as readily to what we humans assume to be what's best for them.

We've all seen them hanging out in the undesirable, murky, too-wet parts of the bin acting for all the world like they're having the time of their lives. I think they are.

Next: I ain't making any promises this time.


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