Monday, February 19, 2007

Now that you got 'em, whatch gonna do??

If more than a few worms tried to evacuate the bin the first night, you might have to leave a light on in the room they're in. They don't like it and will dive for cover and stay there mostly. Try NOT using a light, though, because it shouldn't be necessary if they're liking that bin you've prepared for them.

Understand that we're talking about lots of worms hauling ass...not just a few confused, or even ambitious ones.

Observation of the bin, and the worms' acceptance of it, will go a long way in assuring you that it is OK with them.

Food? Well, if you fed them when they first arrived, see if that food is gone. If so, feed just a little more than before. When that's almost gone, feed in another location in the bin.

Next: Your first likely problem

1 comment:

pamscanlon said...

Nice to see your blog chuckieb. Been a fan on the unmentionable forum, rarely a poster. I have some worms in a fourth floor apartment in chilly Vermont and they are the perfect, no noise pet.