Friday, February 16, 2007

The worms are here!!!

The worms have come and now you've gotta put them into the right frame of mind. They've been banged up and thrown around during the "fragile, live animals" shipping process, and they need a little love.

In a 10 gallon bin, put the 1# of vermi, bedding and all, gently therein atop the composting horse manure or other bedding material. Spread the worms and shipping bedding gently and cover that whole layer with the newspaper bedding.

Add a little of those veggie scraps you've been hoarding since you began this adventure into a spot underneath the newpaper layer...maybe a cupful.

Now, the first critical decision of your worming career: how much moisture to add to the bin to make it "as damp as a wrung out sponge".

Just a little bit, that's how much. Sprinkle a little water on the bedding. Maybe half a small bottled water. Tomorrow, look under the bin for "leachate" (a fancy word for too much water). If there's none, you're doing good.

I don't mean to be redundant with this water thing, but it is the most important thing you'll every learn to do correctly with a plastic worm bin.

Next up: Keeping your worms from abandoning the new home you've provided for them.

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