Monday, February 26, 2007

When, not if, a bin disaster presents its ugly self

Your bin is gonna revolt against you sooner or later.

It'll develop too much water, or too much odor, or too much illegal immigrant activity, fine day.....too much vermicompost and/or worms. At any of those points, you'll have to plunge into that goopy thing and take matters into your own hands.

This ain't as bad as it's bad, but not that bad. Latex exam gloves are a very good item to have handy, but many bin disasters can be remedied without the hands-in approach.

Once again, bin disaster can almost always be synonymed with "too much", as in too much water, or food. The best way to remedy a bin disaster is prevent it....not cause it to happen; not put "too much" of anything into it. But, if you did........

.....come back for the next installment. Right here....soon.


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